Two birds caught in a clandestine meeting outside my window! They both flew away shortly after this was taken, one after the other, in opposite directions, further adding to the mystery...
In this little space, I'd like to share with you images of life from different, lesser-seen angles, from up-close and far, far, away and right beside us. Occasionally, I will also make up stories to go along with said images, mainly for my own amusement, but they are there for you to enjoy as well. Like the French say, Ooh la la!
--c.y. lee
own a little piece of telltale signs!
(Currently under construction... Please contact me for further information.)
send a hello
I am also a quarter-time card maker! Please visit yellowcake crafts shoppe for my handmade paper designs, professionally printed on cards, and for colorful, lively prints.
official notice
All images are copyright c.y. lee--that`s me! They are all taken with my much beloved Canon Rebel XTi, one of the best Christmas gifts I have ever received (thanks, Dad!). You are not allowed to use them for ANY purpose, except as a desktop background. Yeah... That`s about it. :) Thank you!